Your Voice in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives

State Rep. Jack Rader represents the 176th Legislative District in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, serving parts of Monroe County.

Contact Jack

How Can My Office Serve You?

My staff will be happy to help you with state-related issues. A few services offered include car registrations; driver’s license renewal and special tags; property tax/rent rebate applications; birth certificate and death record applications; and much more.

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Meet Jack

During the 2025-26 Legislative Session, State Rep. Jack Rader has been appointed to serve as Republican chair of the House Environmental and Natural Resources Protection Committee. Jack’s legislative priorities include job creation and economic growth, in addition to addressing the school property tax issue.

Jack’s business background includes more than three decades as manager and vice president of Mountain Springs Resort, located in Reeders. The company has been owned by his family for more than a half-century.

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