At a meeting of the House Finance Committee, Rep. Jack Rader comments on a bill that would give certain homeowners in Pittsburgh a break on their property taxes. The proposal then passed along party lines and was sent to the full House for consideration.
Rep. Rader's Response to Gov. Wolf's Spending Plan
February 08, 2022
Rep. Jack Rader responds to Gov. Tom Wolf's $43.7 billion state budget proposal for the 2022-23 fiscal year.
Rader Comments on Budget
June 25, 2021
Rep. Jack Rader (R-Monroe) joined a bipartisan majority of his House colleagues in passing the 2021-22 Pennsylvania state budget. The $39.8 billion proposal increases education funding to historic levels without raising taxes while making a record deposit into the Rainy Day Fund.
Rader Comments at Human Services
April 06, 2021
During a meeting of the House Human Services Committee on April 6, 2021, Rep. Jack Rader (R-Monroe) spoke in support of House Bill 220, his legislation to clarify that a person with a drug addiction cannot be denied admission to a public or private treatment and rehabilitative facility based solely on a negative drug test. The bill was approved unanimously by the committee and sent to the full House for consideration.
Rep. Rader Comments On Reopening Pennsylvania
April 14, 2020
State Rep. Jack Rader references SB 613 that requires the Governor to develop and implement a COVID-19 mitigation plan thereby allowing certain businesses to reopen and safely operate in PA.
Rep. Rader Legislative Update On Coronavirus
March 25, 2020
State Rep. Jack Rader details the many efforts that the Pennsylvania legislative body is undertaking to lesson the effects of the Coronavirus upon Pennsylvanians.
Rep. Rader Tours The EZ Mountian Furniture Store
February 06, 2020
State Rep. Jack Rader interviews Tim Coover of EZ Mountain Rustic Furniture store. Since 1977, EZ Mountain Rustic Furniture has served the Poconos. The shop began as a traditional furniture store and slowly evolved into a rustic log furniture store.
Rep. Rader reacts to Governor's Budget Proposal
February 04, 2020
PA State Rep. Jack Rader responds to the 2020-21 Pennsylvania state budget proposal from Gov. Wolf.
State Budget Plan Moving Ahead
June 25, 2019
Rep. Jack Rader comments on the 2019-20 Pennsylvania state budget proposal. The budget plan includes no new taxes, historic levels of funding for education, and saves for the future.
State Budget Plan Moving Ahead
June 25, 2019
Rep. Tom Murt comments on the 2019-20 Pennsylvania state budget proposal. The budget plan includes no new taxes, historic levels of funding for education, and saves for the future.
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