Pocono Mountain Awarded Safe Schools Targeted Grant, Says Rader

February 14, 2023

HARRISBURG – A Safe Schools Targeted Grant in the amount of $45,000 was awarded to the Pocono Mountain School District, according to Rep. Jack Rader (R-Monroe). The funding will be used for the purchase of security equipment and/or safety programming.

“We have made school security a priority in Pennsylvania and this grant program helps to maintain a safer learning environment,” said Rader. “Students should not have to worry about any classroom threats and be able to focus on their studies instead.”

The program aims to assist schools in reducing unnecessary student disciplinary actions and promoting greater productivity, safety and learning; and also enhancing anti-violence efforts between schools and parents, local governments, law enforcement and community organizations.

Pocono Mountain was among 166 local education entities statewide that shared in $8 million to increase school safety by purchasing equipment, enacting new programs, and hiring security personnel and school resource officers.

The Safe Schools Targeted Grant Program is administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and funded by the General Assembly.

Representative Jack Rader
176th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Andy Briggs
RepRader.com / Facebook.com/RepJackRader

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