Rader: Wolf’s Tax Proposal is a Business Crusher
February 3, 2021
HARRISBURG – Rep. Jack Rader (R-Monroe) today joined his House colleagues in watching Gov. Tom Wolf outline his budget proposal for the 2021-22 fiscal year during a videotaped virtual address.
Rader issued the following statement in reaction to the governor’s $40 billion spending plan:
“The governor’s proposal to raise taxes by $7 billion for Pennsylvania families and businesses struggling to overcome the economic hardships created by the pandemic simply boggles the mind. Now is absolutely not the time to consider any kind of tax hike, and his plan to do so has little chance of moving forward.
“His call to increase both the Personal Income Tax and minimum wage is a double whammy that will crush our small businesses. We might as well legislate the closure of most of them.
“Our mutual focus right now should be on improving the state’s vaccination program, and the House is doing that by advancing a bill that would use the National Guard to provide assistance.
“Putting the pandemic behind us as quickly as possible and getting people back to work is the most effective way to return our economy to normal. Massive tax increases are not the answer and never have been.”
Rader noted that the governor’s address is just the beginning of the annual state budget process. The House Appropriations Committee will conduct a series of hearings starting Tuesday, Feb. 16, to examine the details of the governor’s plan and how state agencies are spending their funding. A schedule of the hearings is available at www.pahousegop.com.
Representative Jack Rader
176th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Andy Briggs
RepRader.com / Facebook.com/RepJackRader
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